Monday, January 24, 2011

Here goes nothing

Writing Workshop

Honestly , until about a week ago I had never owned a laptop that actually worked. I am familiar with facebook and writing papers but other than that I feel very uncomfortable using a computer. This class makes me kind of nervous, because I feel like I am not as computer savy as my classmates. However, I am glad this course will push me out of my comfort zone and help me become a writer using a different medium. I like to to write, but I have always found more satisfaction using a traditional pen and paper. This blog will be my attempt to adapt to the modern world, so here goes nothing..

The concept of having a classroom writing workshop seems very foreign to me. I have never had any personal experience with this, but I wish I had. Writing was always used as a punishment in my classrooms. Essays were always seen as assignments or practice for AP Exams. It wasn't until I got to college that I began writing for enjoyment. The satisifaction that I got from writing about what I wanted was more of a learning experience than anything that I experienced during school. The book Writing Workshop, by Katie Ray coincides with alot of the beliefs that I already have about writing. For example I like how the writing workshops are organized in a way that students are encouraged to write with some "real-world outcome in mind, some purpose for the writing beyound just gettting it finished". I strongly believe that if students don't see a point or purpose to what they are writing about then they arn't going to put alot of effort into it. If students are just writing to make the teacher happy then I don't think it is beneficial to their growth as writers. I like that the workshop allows alot of personal freedom for the students to pick thier topics to write about. I can't remember a time in high school when my teacher gave an option for us to pick a topic to write about. There was always a prompt or dictated topic. This always made me feel like I was being forced to write, and in turn made me have negative feelings toward writing in general.

Writing is a essential skill that students need to practice and develop over time. It is needed to communicate ideas and to support their lives.Teachers need to spend the time to help students develop and appreciate how valuable this skill is. Writing workshops are a great way to help students develop a confidence and an identity in their writing. Anyone can be a writer. The overall success of a writing piece is majorly dependent on the satisfaction of the writer.

1 comment:

  1. You have made amazing strides in a short time - now, you're blogging with a cool background, even! And excellent things to say. I hope you know that I am here to help if you have questions or technological bumps in the road. Keep being adventurous (and remember that 10-minute rule!)

    I do think that when kids are invested in the topic and the purpose for a piece, they are willing to work harder and longer. We will have to encourage and teach each of them at different points in the process, but the finished products are worth it.

    Keep it up!

